Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Coupon Binder

So I told you I started couponing and saving my family money… by family I mean, me, my husband and our furbaby Captian.  I wanted to share with you how I organize my coupons.

At first I had a small accordion folder that I had gotten at the dollar store.  That didn’t last very long because I had filled it to the brim… I needed a new way and though that the binder was the way to go.  This is similar to the one I used, just without the notepad.

I bought a pack of Pokemon card holders at Target for like $9.99.  The package had about 65 pages with 9 slots on each page.  Essentially they are baseball card pages but the only ones they had when I went were Pokemon brand.  I also got a 2” binder that came with a plastic pocket.  It also had a front see-through pocket so I can add my own front cover.  I already had several dividers around the house so I didn’t need to buy those.

I didn’t really know how to organize my dividers so I just used the words that my accordion folder used.  I can always go and rearrange the way I organize them.

Here are the categories I use.  You can use whatever categories work for you.
*Drug Store Items --- I realized later that I could separate this into “Health & Beauty” and “Pharmacy”.
*Cleaning Products
*Baking Items
*Cereal/Breakfast Items
*Paper Goods
*Pets/Other miscellaneous

If I happened to have more dividers I would break some of these up but I just had to use what I had at the time – no need to spend more money!

The dividers in the back (the nicer ones) have pockets on both sides.  So I use those to hold other coupon books I have, extra printables, my rebate checklist and receipts that I need to hold onto.

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So every Sunday I get my paper and go straight to the coupons!  I clip them and then put them in their respective category.  It looks something like this…
Each week I go through and clip my coupons and add them to the category it belongs too.  I also go and check for expired coupons.

I’ve made a checklist of the rebates that I’ve sent in and what dates they were sent.
I also keep a pair of small scissors and a pen in the pocket at the back.  There is also a page that I keep all my CVS Extracare Bucks and my Walgreens RR and any Randall’s catalinas that I get.

Well that’s my coupon binder!  I always check the store inserts and look for good deals and pull those coupons out.  And I always take my binder with me to the stores… which I had never even seen until very recently… I was watching a show and a lady was talking about her coupon binder and when I went to Randall’s today I saw a lady pull out her binder… so neat.  I had never heard of it and now that I do it, I see coupons everywhere!

How do you organize your coupons?


  1. Look at you! Ms.Organized. I liked this method the best but never pursued it.

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