Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Foyer Make-Over Part 1

Ever since we moved into our house a year and almost a half ago, I’ve wanted to repaint the trim in our foyer.  The previous owners had the trim painted an ugly ‘purple’ color as I call it.  It’s probably really called ‘mauve’ but it still looks purple to me.  Well we I finally got around to repaint it white.  Unfortunately we don’t have the paint for the trim in the rest of the house so I had to do my best to find a pretty white.  I started the first coat the other day and finished the second coat today and am now waiting for it to dry so I can take the tape off and clean up the newspaper.  Here is a sneak peak of how it looks.

The new color is on the left… old yucky purple color on the left.
After: During:

I can see the improvement already!  I will post final pictures when I am done.

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