Yesterday I had an inkling to make cookies, any kind really. So after checking out a few of the baking blogs I have bookmarked I came across a recipe to make those yummy minty flavored Girl Scout cookies! Mmmm, homemade thin mints! Then my hubby suggests that I make homemade tagalongs (his favorite), so I start my search for a recipe. I came across this lovely recipe. Mmmmm, those sounds delicious! So I went to the store to get more flour (I knew I didn’t have enough for both recipes), sticks of butter and mint extract.
Overall the recipes were great! I wish I would have made the thin mints a little bigger, they came out quite small. I also would have made the tagalong cookies smaller. The recipe said they wouldn’t expand and they did! So they were a little big.
I plan on only eating a few () and then serving the rest on Friday at Trivia Night!!
Pictures to come soon!